Scooter has worked closely with Metzger Communications to rename and rebrand this superannuation scheme. With the combined nouse of Metzger and Scooter (enough to move mountains you know) we have endevoured to engage university staff in the not insignificant business of saving for ones ‘later years’ (I have reached a point in my life where the word ‘old’ just doesn’t sit that well any more, so I refuse to use it). The brand is fresh and relevant and the website easy to navigate for the different user groups.
Team Metzger and Scooter have won a 2016 IABC Gold Quill Excellence Award for the UniSaver brand. A quote from the judges 'This program really spoke to me in a way that perhaps benefits programs usually shouldn't – these aren't the sexiest programs, but this was pretty well done and had a great tonality and approach. Very professional, creative, diverse, simple, clear, concise, visual, appealing,
and more'.